Bridgepoint Communications Inc.

6205 Chapel Hill Boulevard
Plano TX 75093


With 30+ years of experience beginning in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, a multitude of projects under our belts and a highly skilled team, Bridgepoint is your reliable source for infrastructure solutions.

Over the years, we have honed our process and now seamlessly transition projects from conception to project completion. We’ve successfully grown our service offerings and secured primary contractor agreements with several Fortune 500 companies. We have successfully designed and constructed projects for the oil, gas, electric, and telecommunications industries.

Our culture is driven by a “Make It Happen” attitude, which results in high-quality work that is finished on-time and within budget. We’re always looking for ways to work smarter and more safely. In addition to being bonded and insured, we are registered with AVETTA and have gone through a rigorous audit of our safety procedures to qualify.

Bridgepoint has a strong financial foundation and over 30-years worth of sustained service. Our up to date fleet includes a wide variety of heavy equipment, tools and trucks. Our trucks, trailers and equipment utilize a fleet management system and are equipped with GPS to manage usage and location.

We are experts in pulling together and managing all aspects of your project and can provide you with one point of contact for all of your infrastructure needs. We take pride in keeping our customers connected.

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