Providence Equipment

4435 State Highway 274
Trinidad TX 75163


Providence Equipment prides itself in being a premier provider of top-quality, preowned construction, farm, and ranch equipment. Our team has made it our mission to not only sell and rent exceptional equipment but also establish life-long relationships with our valued customers. Providence Equipment is a multi-generational, family owned business whose goal it is to respectfully treat every customer with honesty, integrity, and professionalism. While we are conveniently located 60 miles southeast of Dallas, Texas, Providence Equipment provides equipment sales and rentals throughout the country. With Providence Equipment’s competitive rates and extensive inventory, we specialize in helping any customer with any size job. If we don’t have exactly what you are looking for, we will work tirelessly to find the exact machine to fit your specific need. For more information call us today or come by to see us, one of our knowledgeable team members will help you reserve your equipment today.

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